
The International Medical Disaster Relief Services provide
a variety of interactive medical interviews that instantly generate important reports.
These reports enable doctors to deliver proper health care for today's diverse populations.
iMedDrs is designed to accommodate doctor patient communication where there are language barriers.

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Personal Empowerment

• Medical checklists in the patient's language enables the individual to know what's wrong, when and who to consult,what to say and what to expect.
• The patient can also communicate their condition in the doctor's native language which will reduce communication frustration and facilitate faster,better care.

iMedDrs Multilingual

• Health care providers avoid the risk of dangerous miscommunication from language barriers.
• They will be able to communicate medically with foreign-speaking patients, without having to learn the other language.
• Several language-combinations are in development.

iMedDrs International

• Avoid the dangers of medical miscommunication when traveling abroad.
• Communicate effectively with English, French or Spanish-speaking doctors in over 150 countries, without having to know the foreign language.

Medical English as a Second Language

Be prepared for illness or emergency. Simple workbook enables individuals with limited English language proficiency to determine and describe their medical condition confidently, as well as communicate effectively in English, in medical situations. Includes iMedDrs smart phone application.


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